Owing to an ongoing memory leak error affecting Symantec Encryption Management Server (confirmed still present in 3.4.2 MP1) it is recommended to schedule a restart of the pgpuniversal service periodically to prevent a system failure.
The service restart is entered in the crontab of the SEMS server and can be scheduled to run at a time determined by the customer. It should be noted that this is only a soft restart of the service and is not a full reboot of the SEMS server. No impact on mailflow or service availability is expected.
To configure a soft service restart please follow the following procedure. This procedure must be completed for all SEMS servers in a cluster individually.
1) Log on to the SEMS server using SSH. Details for creating an SSH connection can be found here https://support.symantec.com/en_US/article.TECH171773.html
2) Edit the crontab using a text editor. Here we use vi. To view or create the crontab for the root user execute the command vi /var/spool/cron/root
3) Press i to enter insert mode.
5) Paste the following command into the next available line in the crontab.
0 1 * * * pgpsysconf --restart pgpuniversal
This command will schedule a restart of the pgpuniversal service at 1AM everyday. The service restart will take about five seconds.
Further information on crontab syntax can be found here http://www.adminschoice.com/crontab-quick-reference
6) To quite the editor and save the crontab
- Press Esc
- Enter wq and press enter
7) Confirm the crontab entry using crontab -l again.